Day 112: April 22nd

American Dream

I've been in love with this blue garage for years.  I never wanted to engage the people who own the property, so I would hatch small plans - like what if I went over there at daybreak when they were sure to be asleep?  On this day, however, traffic was light - non-existent really  - so I simply stopped my car, whipped out my faithful companion - my Nikon D700 - and did what I call a "drive-by shooting."  BAM!  I got it!  All things were in place this day like they had probably never been before.  The blue truck, the camper, the Magnolia tree in full bloom, and of course, the blue garage. The little red sign on the garage says something about Parking for Phillies Pfans only.  Don't get no more American than that!

1 comment:

  1. Well, you definitely captured an American story right here. Great colors. Perfectspring day. You're right, everything came together just for this picture. Mother nature, smile your on candid camera.
