Day 43: February 12th

Since the Coopersburg Camera Club fizzled, I joined the Lehigh Valley Photography Club.  Yesterday they held an indoor shoot.  The members were instructed to bring props with a Valentine's Day theme.  I missed that part of the instructions, so I just brought some silk and vases I bought in India, as well as a couple of curtain tassles and two oranges.  Since we were shooting still life compositions, I thought these would make a nice one.  I'm not really into shooting sweet pretty things, as pretty always strikes me as suspicious.  Add Valentine's Day with all its pressures to love and be loved and I'm pretty much out the door.  Much to my delight, this shoot was held in a classroom where lots of cool things happen - like painting and making things with ground up glass.  There were all kinds of artifacts left over from the classes that are held there.  This sink, for example, spoke to my inner Grunge Girl and I immediately fell in love with its filth and caked on layers of paint.  Well, since it was love at first site, I figured it counted toward the Valentine's Day theme.

Note: Everyone at the club was very warm and welcoming.  Just because my style is much too young for my age doesn't mean that there isn't value in learning how to shoot products, still life, and even Teddy bears.  If you can do any one of these things well, then you have my respect.

1 comment:

  1. It is so wonderful that you continue to reach out and are always looking to learn something new each day, with new people and to get their perspective on new techniques. I admire your zest for life and the living of it.
