Day 49: February 18th

Love Thy Neighbor

I'm tempted to wonder: what does a single family need with a home like this?  This, um, monstrosity, and several more like it are being built on my street.  Just an FYI, last year this was a beautiful copse of trees that provided cover for deer, turkey, a variety of hawks and other wild life.  I used to ride my horse through there.  I'm tempted to feel really bad about the destruction/construction.  I'm tempted not to like the family that moves in.  I'm tempted to walk my dog over their lawn, when one grows that is.

Those are just temptations, though, and since I'm only here for a little while, I'm going to remark to myself that this is at very least an interesting turn of events. Then I'm going to move on, trying to do what I believe is the right thing, and also remembering that my own home once violated land and trees and destroyed habitat that will never again exist. No sense in fretting over spilt milk.  Like Dr. Maya Angelou says, "When you know better, you do better."


  1. Your commentary is exquisite. Very thought provoking Anna. As much as I get upset with all the building and cutting down of trees at the same time I depend on a Man who builds houses for a living and consider his employment a blessing. Now there is a catch 22. Nature provides healing for my soul and Bill provides my material needs.
