Day 108: April 18th

People always try to put a shine on the past, like "back then" is better by far than "right now."  I take issue with this, because no matter what romantic notions one may have about days gone by, the truth is seldom as glamorous.  No matter who you are or where you are, chances are that it was much more difficult to honestly speak your mind fifty or one hundred years ago.  Things may not be perfect - in fact, they most certainly are not - but I think we should try to make the present the "good old days" and forget about hoping the past will ever be as good as we pretend it was.

1 comment:

  1. Very well stated Anna. I admire you for living life to the fullest and making every moment count. I will say this, Anna, you are the most generous, loving, giving, selfless person I know. You push yourself hard but find time to love, live and enjoy. I am so proud to be your sister. You have given love freely to me and I cherish everything about you.
