Day 94: April 4th

Samantha and the Sky

Things on my mind: taxes...gotta get my taxes done; hair...gotta get my hair done; the basement...would like to remodel it - maybe put in a small gym and replace the rugs; retirement...will my money last as long as my body or will I die and so I shouldn't worry about it?  The neighbors are another thing on my mind - why won't they spay/neuter their 25 cats?  I wish that was an exaggeration, but it's not.  Health is on my mind - need to get my bloodwork done so I can get my statin refilled at the end of the month.  Hope my cholesteral level is down.  Poetry: I'd like to write to Billy Collins, U.S. poet laureate in 2008.  His poetry inspires me.  He seems like a normal quirky guy and anyway, what does a Poet Laureate really do? 

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