Day 1: January 1st

This horse is Adrian.  He and I go back quite a few years.  I met him when he was a baby.  He owns my friend Barb in the same way my horse, dog and cats own me.  He gets the honor of being my day 1 picture.  I selected him from all the others I took that day, because what I hope for this year is to get outside more often, regardless of what the weather throws at us.  Let me change that - in spite of what the weather throws at us.  I hate winter, but in my experience bad weather can make for more interesting pictures.

Also and as Teddy Roosevelt said, "The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man."  I'm no man, but it turns out that this is true for women, too.  Another hope for this year is that I get to spend more time with my horse.

1 comment:

  1. Adrian's coat has a beautiful texture.
    Yo Adriaaaannnn...I'm sure he gets that alot. :-) Love Teddy's quote.
