Focus, focus, focus

The Resolution
I've been online reading about and looking at these things called 365 projects.  The deal is that you take a picture a day and then post it.  You do this for 365 contiguous days and by the time you're done a whole year has gone by.  You have something to show for it.  Seems reasonable to me.  Chances are I would do it anyway.  I'm shooting all the time - the "good" camera, the camera phone, the point-and-shoot.  So, I figure, why not put a little structure around it.  Why not let other people see what I see.  I go some pretty cool places - my backyard for example, is just teeming with turf wars and cats trying to sell crazy.  You should see their fur stand on end when the neighbor's tom wanders over to drink from the pond.  Absolutely worthy of a shot or two.

So, the resolution is to actually do this.  Don't get too excited, I have never kept a New Year's resolution before.  I will say though, if you reward me with any measure of viewer loyalty, your eyes will grow fat with all the eye candy I am capable of providing.  I promise!


  1. May each of your days reinforce your commitment to your project. There is only one outcome for dreams, complete fulfillment!!



  2. It's gonna turn into an photographic autobiography... pretty neat. I'll never have to say to myself, self, what is that wacky wonderful Aunt Anna up to today? I'll get to see for myself where she has been and what the most interesting part of her day was. I like it and am slightly inspired. Thank you, Love, Jen

    By the way, I LOVE clouds as well. People think I'm a little cooky for it, nut I do.

  3. Thanks for sharing your passion with us Anna.

    BTW, I too love clouds, especially the ones in Colorado.

  4. Hey Anna. This sounds like a cool project. I am all ready to see the world from your eyes. All the best.

  5. Yay! Divya has joined! So happy to have you here!
