Day 12: January 12th

It's not that it isn't beautiful and it's not that the tree did anything's just that I am counting the days until the pink cherry blossoms come back.  I don't particularly enjoy winter and I am trying to balance that fact with the fact that living in the moment is actually what I'm supposed to do.  Since we don't know if we will have another moment to live in, we are supposed to fully live in the one we've got.  Even if it is abyssmally cold and even if you have to wear too many clothes.  In any event, the snow doesn't do this tree justice - yet another reason to hate winter :-(


  1. You're viewing it all wrong. There are many changes in the cycle of life and the snow accents this barren cycle of this tree into a glowing, crisp, clean view. Only to remind us that it is not dead but just sleeping and while it is sleeping it can still bring us beauty.

  2. What English classes did you girls take? I wish I could put thoughts into words the way the two of you do. Anna, these photos are a real treat.
