Day 3: January 3rd

Let's face it.  We've all played with the idea that the world is too big, too small, or too stupid for our own comfort.  All three perspectives are right, just probably not at the same time.  When I took this picture, the world was right-sized and I was very content.  The morning sun through the bedroom windows was as magnificent to me as the Rocky Mountains in the snow or the Golden Gate Bridge peaking through the fog.

But you don't need to go to Colorado or California or ever leave your driveway to have an adventure of the mind.  There are worlds in our very own houses that are worthy of exploration and I wander around in my own like Horton trying to find Whoville.  I try to see new worlds in mundane things like this house plant, which is clearly plotting to overtake the lifeless trees in the yard.  Like the peaks and valleys of your bedcovers.  Ever imagine them as snowcapped mountains?  Ever want to ski down the slopes of your rumpled pillowcases?  Little worlds, people, there are little worlds all around us.

Technical info (well, sort of): No tripod was used.  This is a high dynamic Range (HDR) image.  It is composed of three frames all shot at f8.  They were compiled in Photomatix and then I think I further refined the image using Topaz Adjust.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic perspective of things. Imagination is a wonderful thing/place.
