Day 26: January 26th

Sammy in the snow is a big mushy pile of dog joy.  A moment before this picture, she was shoveling her nose through the snow and snapping it up and leaping and racing all around.  Joy, joy, joy.

Just days before my surgery I learned that Sammy may have the onset of an eye disease that may cause her to go blind.  As I watch her now and watch the status of her eyes and how it is not changing, I'm afraid it might be true.  As soon as I'm able, we will return to the vet and pursue treatment for those big brown puppy dog eyes.  They are worth saving!

This is one of those things that God and I will discuss and possibly argue about.  I've no doubt who will win that argument, but at least I know I'll be heard.  That's what makes for a good relationship.


  1. My heart is broken with this news. She is such a gentle soul. I love that dog. Keep me posted on her progress.

  2. Such a precious face... I wish her well.
