Day 17: January 17th

Meet Neo.  He was born on or around my front porch last summer.  He's about eight months old and he is as cool as his name implies.  Picture The Matrix.  Picture Neo in a long black coat.  Well, this Neo Kitty has a long black coat also.  He lives outside and in this picture he is sitting on the window ledge looking into the living room.  No worries - he has plenty of food and a toasty winter shelter I devised from Rubbermaid containers, straw and some super heavy duty styrofoam insulating material.  Dude wants for nothing. 

Also of interest (to me at least) are the Aftrican Violets on the window sill.  Those babies are approximately 23 years old.  That's gotta be some kind of houseplant record.  Anyway, this is now the third day after surgery and the truth is, I didn't have much inside me for picture taking today.


  1. By the way how is the african violet that I tried to re-root? Did it survive?

  2. As Regina would say to Neo "You Thweetie".

  3. Sorry, Mary. The African Violet is hanging on, but doing very poorly. He's not long for this world!
