Day 25: January 25th

These flowers were sent to me by my friend, Denise.  Besides being a very thoughtful "Get Well" gift, they were so beautiful there on my dining room table.  Each time I passed them they sent good tidings of friendship and it helped me to believe I am less alone than I've felt.  For those of you who do not live in snow zones, it has a way of making you feel claustrophobic and somehow penned in.  Since I haven't felt very well and since pain medication entered my life, I'm a little sadder than usual (pain meds can add to that feeling, did you know that?).  These flowers reminded me that Denise is out there, as are other friends and family who genuinely care about me.

I love receiving flowers, not only for the early days where they stand bolt upright, leaves and petals firm, but also for the later days, when they become different versions of themselves.  They take on a new interest as they start to die.  Sounds macabe, I know, but if you ever get the chance, do study the changes and postures that flowers take on as they lay themselves to rest.  They become sadly expressive as their color fades and their petals either drop or curl.  The rose on the left was simply poetic, the way it suddenly relaxed one day and then the next tilted its head to the side.  The purple and white flowers are hanging on a little stronger than the roses and lilies, but eventually, the petals will start to droop and they will take on new subdued hues and softer silhouettes when the lights go out.

Thank you, Denise, for thinking of me!  And thank you to all of my friends and family whose thoughtfulness and consideration are so much appreciated.  These long days of winter are warmed by your kindness.


  1. Your narration of such a wonderful view of the life of these flowers is amazing. I love hearing about life through your perceptions.
