Day 13: January 13th

The sun paid us yet another visit on the 13th morning of this 365 project.  Room to room I found these delicious sun-stained patterns all over the rugs, walls, furniture and even the pets!.  As I said in a previous post, there are worlds within our worlds.  The world in this pictures spins on its axis down the hall in my house.  That world has alternately been habitated by my Mom, Grandmom Edwards, and even good ole Malcolm T. Edwards.  There is no charge for admission into this world, no height restrictions, and certainly no preexisting condition would prevent you from entering!

Technical Info: This is a high dynamic range (HDR) image.  Three images went into the making of this one. They were all set to f8, with three different exposures.  The exposures were: 1/20, 1/13. and 1/6. ISO was set to 200 for all three images.  No flash was used.


  1. I love the way you write. So creative. By the way I have habitated down the hall also. Don't forget about me. Love, Mary

  2. That's right - Mary also took her turn staying in that world overnight. How could I forget about you Mary!!!!

  3. This is such a beautiful photo... I love the colors & the words.
